Rick Green, of Totally ADD, has posted the funniest ADHD test I’ve ever seen. The Funniest ADHD Test The Unofficial Test for ADHD Adults I think this video is genius because it includes qu
The ADHD Superpower Method
External scaffolding to stay on track
I was diagnosed as an adult fifteen years ago. For me, scaffolding for my traits, medication, exercise and education has worked. Not too trendy but I do what works for me. Tried the trendy st
Procrastination or distraction?
Everyone procrastinates…ADHD’ers procrastinate in the same way as everyone else but there is also something else going on. Procrastination from getting off-task by a distraction or av
Can ADHD students do better in higher level courses?
Probably…maybe. As an adult with ADHD, I usually found the challenge and amount of information very engaging in higher level and graduate courses. Doing well was easier but I didn’t
Is brain fog a symptom of ADHD?
“Brain fog” is a symptom, an outward sign of something going on. The source might be ADHD. When ADHDers are taking the right meds sometimes they report the “brain fog” or
Why deny ADHD as a valid condition?
Some doctors don’t think the diagnosis of ADHD is valid. Why? There can be many reasons: Maybe they want to sell lots of books? Everyone can appear distracted or hyperactive at times so t
Is there an ADHD gene?
The alleles of the genes behind the genetic component of ADHD are unknown. The Gene It is an interesting question but even associating a gene or allele mutation with development of ADHD symptoms or
Are all people with ADHD know-it-all “walking encyclopedias”?
Have you wondered about those folks that give off the aura of being a know-it-all walking encyclopedia? Do I mean the eletro-magnetic radiation around the sun seen during eclipses known as the
Having trouble starting things.
There are a couple of things that may be contributing to the lack of “self-activation”. Problems with “Executive Functioning” or being able to think of what to do or how
Can you have ADHD and also be a quiet kid?
Yes, you can have ADHD and be a quiet kid. I was quiet and thought you had to be hyper to be ADHD. This delayed me getting diagnosed until I was an adult. Sometimes people call non-hyperactive