Getting Finished: A way to complete things.

For me sticking with something to completion and not jumping to greener pastures is about creating the situation and motivation where the hyper-focus superpower is evoked.

1. Identify the goal and map out a plan and the tasks required to get there. If it’s boring I connect the task to bigger activity.
2. Make sure the activity is connected to my goals, interests, passions and legacy. Jeff Spencer is a great reference for this The Champions Blueprint with Dr. Jeff Spencer
3. Vividly visualize until I can feel what it is going to be like to succeed in reaching the goal. Directive affirmation gives my visualization structure.Favorite texts: Lanny basham
4. Commit to the goal that I get to in that visualization. Giving my self permission to proceed. David Giwerc’s method is what I use Permission to Proceed

Once I have a clear picture in my head of what I want to achieve, I am passionate about it the trivial tasks are no longer boring.
