
The Three ADHD Superpower Pillars:

Discover – Develop – Deploy

Three sessions two weeks apart that train you to use each of these pillars.

At the end of the sessions you will know:

– How ADHD Superpower helped in achieving your life accomplishments.

– How to align your ADHD Superpower to your innermost ambitions and passions.

– How to evoke your ADHD Superpower when and where it is important (It can’t be on all the time otherwise we burn out.)

I am sure you know that it is amazing when all your ADHD energy is aligned with what you are doing.

$350 for all three sessions.

I do not offer single sessions (strategy and tune-ups) until a client has gone through these these first three.  The reason is that previous unsuccessful clients loved the “ideas” but never actually DEPLOYED the methods.  The ones that committed to enough sessions to cover these pillars actually used the method in their lives.  It isn’t that we ADHDers don’t know what to do or don’t want to do things that benefit us.  The actual DOING is the problem.

Contact me and we can discuss this for 30 minutes.  This will be a free session where I demo my coaching style and we find out whether we can work well as a team.  If I do offer to take you on as a client you have the right to say “no” or “not now”.  I will also tell you if I don’t think you’re ready or are better served by another coach or resource.